No. We never charge a fee for our initial evaluation of a case.
Generally, we do not charge a fee for representation. We primarily are contingency lawyers. This means that we pay all of the costs in a case, and we will recover our fees from the defendants only if we win the case.
We generally charge a fee for defending consumers in debt collection cases (i.e., if you are sued on a debt). The amount of the fee depends on the case. We also generally charge for representation in civil litigation matters. Our fee structure in civil litigation cases depends on the specific matter. We are flexible and welcome alternative fee arrangements.
Yes. We will never charge a fee unless you sign a written engagement agreement obligating you to pay the fee for our services.
You can submit your case online or you can call us at (424) 600-9454.
Yes. Basically, we will need to see all of the documents you have regarding your issue, including any communications and notes of communications between you and the potential defendant. We suggest that you also prepare a timeline of events, which will help us to evaluate the matter and to identify the specific documents we will need to review to make a decision regarding your case.
It depends. A decision to take some cases can be made within days. Other cases involve more investigation on our part. Our philosophy is that when we file a case, we would like to be able to go to trial on that case almost immediately. In evaluating cases, haste can make waste, so we kindly ask for patience in reviewing any matter.
Yes. The attorney-client privilege covers all communications between our firm and any prospective clients. That means that we cannot discuss your issue with anyone.
Yes. You are not selling us your case, and we can guarantee you that everything about your matter can come to light, whether you want it to or not. If you hide something from us and it impacts your case and/or our relationship, we can seek to withdraw as your attorneys.
We are not your lawyer unless and until you and our firm sign our written engagement agreement. We kindly ask that you do not tell anyone that we are your lawyers or represent you in any way until you and our firm sign our written engagement agreement.
Yes. We take cases throughout California.
Yes. Before we take your case, you most likely will need to meet with Brandon Block in person. Arrangements can be made if you are not in the Los Angeles area.
The firm's main office is located at 9440 Santa Monica Boulevard, Suite 301, Beverly Hills, California 90210. The firm maintains a satellite location in San Francisco.
For legal issues, yes. For nonlegal issues, you may deal with other members of our staff.
Yes. You will get periodic updates by email. You also will get copies of all pleadings and other key documents for your information and records.
If we win the case or it is settled in a favorable manner, the other side (the defendant) pays our fees and costs. Please contact us to discuss the specifics of payments to our firm in contingency cases.
It depends. If your issue involves us bringing or defending a lawsuit, it can take anywhere from a couple of months to a couple of years to resolve your case. We will do our best to resolve your matter as quickly as possible, but many times, we are at the mercy of a very busy court system.
Possibly. You may need to attend a deposition, mediation and/or trial. Depositions are generally one day. Mediation can be anywhere from a half day to a whole day. Trial can last several days, depending on your case. You will be given advance notice of any dates and we will do our best to accommodate your schedule.
Maybe. Some issues can be resolved without litigation.